They dixit
Cryptocurrency’s time has come.
This technology cannot be stopped. Our time has come
Cryptocurrency’s time has come.
This technology cannot be stopped. Our time has come
Coliving es una forma de vivir y compartir un hogar con otras personas afines. El mayor valor del coliving es el acceso a la comunidad. Los espacios vitales totalmente amueblados y especialmente diseñados crean un entorno inspirador para que la gente interactúe y comparta experiencias
Nómada digital: qué es un nómada digital? cómo se consigue ser un nómada digital? conoces a algún nómada digital?
Undervan and Vagabonds work together on a campaign with the purpose of sharing in the reward, whether that’s leads, buzz, awareness, or new customers
Coliving is a modern concept of communal living, in which individuals or groups of people share living spaces, amenities, and sometimes even resources like food, appliances, and utilities
La ponencia de apertura de la I Semana de la Creatividad y la Tecnología ‘Createc’21’ fue la masterclass “crear un NFT en Opensea” llevada a cabo por un entusiasmado co-fundador de Undervan
What’s that? Non-fungible tokens What are NFT? NFT are digital collectibles that use blockchain technology in its creation and/or distribution Why I want an NFT? Because everything could be an asset and everybody can do it or create it. That’s the tokenomics in real…
Qué es un masaje mental y corporal? Es una propuesta para volver al diálogo entre cuerpo, mente y emociones En algún momento de la vida, seguro que todos nos hemos sentido “atascados”, “bloqueados”, incapaces de pensar con claridad, de tomar decisiones y encontrar soluciones.…
Max Keiser y Stacy Herbert, en su programa “Keiser report” titulado La importancia de tener ‘manos de diamante’ (E1706) hablan con Simon Dixon, de, sobre cómo capear las ventas masivas en el mercado del Bitcoin, lo que entraña un cambio psicológico: uno no…
Concepto: La Ley Natural es una ciencia, empírica, demostrable, palpable… Constituye el conocimiento de cómo funcionan las leyes inmutables que existen en este universo, y cómo nosotros creamos lo que experimentamos en conjunción con estas leyes operativas. Definición por partes de la Ley Natural…
Encuentro: Introducción a Bitcoin y Blockchain en la Finca El Arroyo, Granadilla de Abona, Tenerife
Lunes 17 Mayo 18h
Nuestra primavera la pasamos en el Manantial de Tara, el llamado por algunos “Aeropuerto Internacional de Tenerife”, donde llegan infinidad de gentes con diferentes y ricas experiencias y saberes.Nosotros llegamos en una etapa de transición, donde se han propuesto caminos específicos para la sostenibilidad,…
Undervan project lanza su código abierto: filosofía, metodología y técnicas aplicadas en los diferentes proyectos en los cuales ha colaborado.
En base a valores primordiales, la colaboración y solidaridad sobre la competencia y la rivalidad, Undervan project facilita el acceso al mundo digital.
La cocina tradicional es una magnífica herramienta de inclusión y fuente de innovación social en las comunidades.
Alternatura tuvo que encontrarse con Undervan para nacer digitalmente: Todo lo que se había ido forjando durante años en Alájar, conocimiento ancestral, encuentros y aportes de personas, lugareños o no, técnicos o no, artesanos o no, se plasmó en una web, una metodología…
Formas de expresión política: recolección de setas y creación y difusión de fanzines.
Undervan sigue viaje, de Sierra Madrileña a Sierra Aracena con Ballena Gurumbé y Meri Ayur de
Próximo destino: Alajar, donde Alternatura, Totoro y Luis nos esperan.
Imagina a una compleja criatura cuya misión ontológica excede la noción de sí misma para buscar la trascendencia social. Esta criatura es Bruna Husky, replicante con problemas psicológicos debido a la implantación de memorias originales y memorias piratas, Bruna logra salir de la posición…
Being in paradise, at Curro‘s place, encourages well being and the chance to do different tasks than usualUndervan team passed there the whole lock-down supporting new challenges like promoting collaborative projects, taking advantage of the availability of colleagues and friends to think and organize…
Kairos Kairos is typically thought of as “timing” or “the right time”.Kairos takes on the sense of “due measure”, “proper proportion” or “right timing” so it began to be distinguished from chronos (linear time, the uniform time of the cosmic system, a measure and…
The Panopticon is a type of institutional building designed by the English philosopher and social theorist Jeremy Bentham in the late 18th century. The concept of the design is to allow a single watchman to observe (-opticon) all (pan-) inmates of a institution without…
A paradox is a statement that may seem contradictory but can be true (or at least make sense). This makes them stand out and play an important role in literature and everyday life. Beyond that, they can simply be entertaining brain teasers. Take the…
“Desafinado“, a Portuguese word, usually rendered into English as “out of tune”, or as “off key”, is the title of a bossa nova song composed by Antônio Carlos Jobim with lyrics by Newton Mendonça.“Out of tune” could be defined as the correct musical sound…
Societal collapse is the fall of a complex human society. This subject is of interest in such fields as history, anthropology, sociology, politics, science, ecology, humanism, economy, etc. We are not going to discuss in this post about the causes of collapse, there are…
Cryptography Ralph C. Merkle is a computer scientist. He is one of the inventors of public key cryptography, the inventor of cryptographic hashing, and more recently a researcher and speaker of cryonics. Merkle devised Merkle’s Puzzles, a scheme for communication over an insecure channel,…
“We take data protection seriously,” says Peter Fleischer, Google’s Global Privacy Counsel. “We don’t know our users by name,” he insists. “We just store anonymous identifiers, but no personal data.” This is an important distinction for Fleischer, who says that Google’s primary goal is…
Lewis Mumford There is no clean dividing line between the irrational and the super-rational; and the handling of these ambivalent gifts has always been a major human problem. One of the reasons that the current utilitarian interpretations of technics and science have been so…
Let’s see how different could be the same concept explained. Writers, trends, languages..make the difference, so we can start thinking: How can we define civilization? I’m part of that? Do I want to be domesticated? Am I a supremacist? What can we use technology…
Freedom in history Freedom, argues Fromm, became an important issue in the 20th century, being seen as something to be fought for and defended. However, it has not always occupied such a prominent place in people’s thinking and, as an experience, is not necessarily…
We are going to spread some interesting info about general topics, let’s dive into the history, collecting great and also small ideas to understand how our freedom is going on. Let’s get started! Here we have the preface: anonymitymathscivilizationthe fear of freedomtechnologyLibertarian municipalismState-Nationsocial collapseMegamachinecryptographyy2…
Spreading new and interesting ideas: Jizz is a decentralized financial system built for African people and business. As an Online Payment Gateway, our mission is to solve the problem african people are facing in paying online or simply sending and receiving money globally and…
Satoshi Nakamoto’s original paper is still recommended reading for anyone studying how Bitcoin works. Choose which translation of the paper you want to read, here
We offered interactive workshops during the Democracy for all at the Barcelona Blockchain week, one of them about cybersecurity and another about cryptos: If your child has a mobile phone, why don’t you have a wallet? [ES] Blockchain es un cambio de paradigma tecnológico…
John explains why cryptocurrency and blockchain is the future and tells why taxes are robbery.After 2018 success with over 11,000 attendees from all over the world Barcelona Blockchain Week is back. Join over 20,000 blockchain professionals, investors, educators, and crypto enthusiasts in the bright…